An accessible, transformative and quality education
The right to education is mentioned in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, sanctioned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and is one of the 17 goals (SDGs) in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Yet, even today, not all children have the opportunity to learn, and many young people abandon their studies before they can acquire minimum basic skills, obtain a diploma or any other higher qualification.
Our mission was conceived in Italy but it has no geographical limits.
Preventing early school leaving
School failure rates are not the only way to measure the effects of early school leaving: young people who drop out or whose attendance is passive or irregular, fail to acquire the skills needed to become aware and informed adults who have the skills to become active members of society.
The main objectives of our Foundation are supporting the growth of young people, offering all children a chance to learn and removing the economic barriers that preclude the completion of education.
Education for sustainable development
Educating for sustainable development means sharing knowledge, skills, values and behaviours that allow children and young people to make informed decisions and to take responsible actions for present and future generations.
We intend to identify and disseminate pedagogical approaches and concrete teaching practices, aimed to convey a new environmental and social awareness, both in school and in other contexts. Only by making future generations aware of their key role, it will be possible to achieve the balance between people and nature and between individual and community, indispensable for the future of our planet and humanity.
Quality education