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Nursery Schools Program
An initiative to improve the educational offers and promote an increase in available spots.
2024 – ongoing

The Nursery Schools Program, created to support early childhood education services, is structured around two main lines of intervention:

• The first line aims to improve the educational offerings of existing nurseries;
• The second line focuses on creating new nursery places and supporting complementary or alternative services for children (i.e., services different from nurseries, but aimed at addressing specific needs of local communities and encouraging attendance at early childhood educational services).

The first line of intervention was launched in 2023 and became operational in April 2024, with the launch of a pilot program aimed at non-profit nurseries active in the Municipality of Milan. These nurseries were offered the opportunity to access non-repayable grants aimed at improving the overall quality of educational offerings through interventions related to: pedagogical training, reorganization of gardens and outdoor spaces, building renovations, and the purchase of furnishings and educational materials.

Thanks to the pilot program, support was initiated in 2024 for 13 nurseries (managed by 12 different nonprofit organizations active in 8 municipalities of the Municipality of Milan), helping to strengthen the educational offerings aimed at more than 450 children aged between 0 and 3 years each year.

In 2025, we intend to continue this initiative, expanding the scope of action to the Metropolitan City of Milan, focusing our interventions in favor of services operating in more vulnerable territorial areas.

Key numbers


non-profit managing entities supported in the year


children beneficiaries of the interventions


involved nurseries


educators involved in pedagogical training programs